Cry of the Adventuring Party  Unknown, 1390

from A Collection of Rare and Epic Poems of a Rather Perplexing Oblique Rhyme Scheme

The Adventuring Party formed in 2015 and then became a band in 2017.  The years leading up to that, Brian was a solo act, occasionally playing with friends, but without a true band.  The 2015 Adventuring Party was just a group of friends who decided to get together to play D&D after talking about how much they missed it outside of a show on which they all shared a bill.  Shortly after committing to a band together, they took what was to be Brian's next solo record and went into the studio to make "Basilisk".  They continued this for a few years until they welcomed Tim "Turrano" Johnson and his guitar to the fold.

From there, they did what normal bands do - write music, play shows, hit the road as much as possible, and develop a long, ridiculous group text thread that is 80% animated gifs, 15% nonsense, and about 5% of actual band discussion.

Brian and Rory still play D&D every weekend and are on their third campaign together.